Ice climbing in Maltatal

Ice climbing in Maltatal

In the first week of 2015 I went to the Maltatal in Austria with Yu and one of his climbing friends Xia. Luckily in the last two weeks before the new year temperatures were cold enough in order to form some ice falls in the region. In most of the years the avalanche danger is quite high in this region and you need to carefully select the ice falls in order to be safe. This year, however, there was barely any snow and avalanches were not an issue at all.

We were able to climb two long waterfalls: the Strannerbach and the central (the second) Maralmfall. One day we only did some climbing near the tunnel at Maralm since the temperature was extremely high (up to 15 °C) and all the ice falls were basically collapsing.


Strannerbach in summary:

Location Maltatal, near the bridge at the Malta-Hochalmstraße
Date of the climb
January 02, 2015
Character multi pitch ice fall
Popularity high
Difficulty overall: WI 2 up to 3 (2 pitches), a total of more than 10 pitches, 550 m length with walking in between
Height gain about 300 m height gain
Descend you need to abseil the complete ice fall (takes a lot of time)
Conditions good very soft ice, no snow at all, probably less ice than usually
Protection abseil points at trees and on rock are present, a few slings for abalakovs are necessary
Material 2x 60m half/twin rope, ice screws, slings
Remarks Due to the length of the climb, this ice fall should not be underestimated. In order to be fast, most of the pitches can be free soloed.

central Maralmfall

second (central) Maralmfall in summary:

Location Maltatal, after the tunnel at the end of the Malta-Hochalmstraße
Date of the climb
January 04, 2015
Character multi pitch ice fall
Popularity high
Difficulty overall: WI 3 up to 4+, 4-5 pitches, 225 m length
Height gain about 200 m height gain
Descend you need to abseil the complete ice fall
Conditions average (early season) ice, a lot of snow, less ice than normal and harder than normal (up to WI IV+)
Protection abseil points on trees are present, a few slings for abalakovs are necessary
Material 2x 60m half/twin rope, ice screws, slings
Remarks suboptimal conditions

some additional photos