During Easter I went with two members of the alpine youth club #jdavmannheim to Chamonix for a basic introduction to alpinism in Chamonix. Our plan…

From the 29th Dezember 2018 to the first of January 2019 Jakob and I decided to start the New Year doing some decent ice climbing…

Die Trainer B Ausbildungen beim Alpenverein sind alle von sehr hoher Qualität und allein die Möglichkeit zu bekommen sich von erfahrenen Bergführern die vielen kleinen…

Winterwunderland in den Vogesen: am letzten Wochenende waren Hamid und ich am Lac Blanc in den Hochvogesen. Da es an diesem Wochenende min. 30 cm…

First ice 2017/2018! Last weekend (09-10. November) Jakob and I started this year’s ice climbing season. Below you can find a few photos from the…

Wazespitze Ostgrat (3533 m) Location Ötztaler Alpen, Tirol Date of the climb July 31, 2017 Character high-altitude alpine ridge climb Popularity average Difficulty AD+, 2…

The so called Jubiläumsgrat (Jubi) is a very popular alpine climb near Garmisch in Bavaria. It connects the Alpitze and the Zugspitze by an 8…

From 16.12 to 19.12.2016 Jakob and I went to Cogne to start the ice climbing season and to join the Ice Opening festival. On the…

Großlitzner (3109m) – Großes Seehorn (3121m) Location Silvretta Date of the climb August 27, 2016 Character high-altitude alpine ridge traverse Popularity average Difficulty AD, IV-…

Zinalrothorn Nordgrat (4221 m) Location Zinal, Wallis Date of the climb August 14, 2016 Character high-altitude alpine ridge climb Popularity average to high Difficulty AD,…