During Easter I went with two members of the alpine youth club #jdavmannheim to Chamonix for a basic introduction to alpinism in Chamonix. Our plan was to go up to the Refuge d'Argentière for two days to acclimatize and afterwards ...
End-Of-Year Ice Session
From the 29th Dezember 2018 to the first of January 2019 Jakob and I decided to start the New Year doing some decent ice climbing in Ostirol. The first day we went to the Ice Park Osttirol near the Tauernhaus ...
Ausbildung zum Trainer Eisfallklettern
Die Trainer B Ausbildungen beim Alpenverein sind alle von sehr hoher Qualität und allein die Möglichkeit zu bekommen sich von erfahrenen Bergführern die vielen kleinen Dinge beibringen zu lassen, welche einem in den Bergen sicherer, schneller und effizienter bewegen lassen, ...
Ice climbing @ Lac Blanc
Winterwunderland in den Vogesen: am letzten Wochenende waren Hamid und ich am Lac Blanc in den Hochvogesen. Da es an diesem Wochenende min. 30 cm Neuschnee gegeben hatte und die Temperaturen deutlich unter Null lagen, war es landschaftlich ein tolles ...
Ice: Ochsengarten & Pitztal
First ice 2017/2018! Last weekend (09-10. November) Jakob and I started this year's ice climbing season. Below you can find a few photos from the Mixedgarten (Ötztal) and the Taschaschlucht (Pitztal) ...
Wazespitze Ostgrat solo
Wazespitze Ostgrat (3533 m) Location Ötztaler Alpen, Tirol Date of the climb July 31, 2017 Character high-altitude alpine ridge climb Popularity average Difficulty AD+, 2 pitches IV, most of the time II to III Height gain ~800 m in total ...
The so called Jubiläumsgrat (Jubi) is a very popular alpine climb near Garmisch in Bavaria. It connects the Alpitze and the Zugspitze by an 8 km long, very exposed ridge. Some parts of the ridge are equipped with a ferrata, ...
Cogne Ice Opening
From 16.12 to 19.12.2016 Jakob and I went to Cogne to start the ice climbing season and to join the Ice Opening festival. On the first day we attended a nice dry tooling course with Jeff Mercier, showing us a ...