During Easter I went with two members of the alpine youth club #jdavmannheim to Chamonix for a basic introduction to alpinism in Chamonix. Our plan…
Die Trainer B Ausbildungen beim Alpenverein sind alle von sehr hoher Qualität und allein die Möglichkeit zu bekommen sich von erfahrenen Bergführern die vielen kleinen…
Winterwunderland in den Vogesen: am letzten Wochenende waren Hamid und ich am Lac Blanc in den Hochvogesen. Da es an diesem Wochenende min. 30 cm…
First ice 2017/2018! Last weekend (09-10. November) Jakob and I started this year’s ice climbing season. Below you can find a few photos from the…
The so called Jubiläumsgrat (Jubi) is a very popular alpine climb near Garmisch in Bavaria. It connects the Alpitze and the Zugspitze by an 8…
From 16.12 to 19.12.2016 Jakob and I went to Cogne to start the ice climbing season and to join the Ice Opening festival. On the…
Since my first unsuccessful attempt in March 2015 the so called Plattkogel icefall (or Plattkogelfall) in Sellrain near Kühtai was on my list of failed routes…
Grundschartner Nordkante / Mittergrat Location Zillergrund, Zillertal Date of the climb July 11, 2015 Character high-altitude alpine climb Popularity low to average Difficulty D+ /…
Zillertal is a great place for both sport and alpine climbing and last weekend we went there to do some multi-pitches on great Zillertal granite….
On Sunday (08.03.2015) we tried to climb the Plattkogel Eisfall (Plattkogelfall) in Sellrain near Kühtai. Only limited information about this icefall is available on the…