From 16.12 to 19.12.2016 Jakob and I went to Cogne to start the ice climbing season and to join the Ice Opening festival. On the…
Großlitzner (3109m) – Großes Seehorn (3121m) Location Silvretta Date of the climb August 27, 2016 Character high-altitude alpine ridge traverse Popularity average Difficulty AD, IV-…
Zinalrothorn Nordgrat (4221 m) Location Zinal, Wallis Date of the climb August 14, 2016 Character high-altitude alpine ridge climb Popularity average to high Difficulty AD,…
Lagginhorn Südgrat Location Saas-Fee, Wallis Date of the climb August 06, 2016 Character high-altitude alpine ridge climb Popularity low to average Difficulty AD, III+ Height…
Viele Jahre gehe ich regelmäßig am Abend nach der Arbeit zum Klettern in den Schriesheimer Steinbruch und bin jedesmal wieder erstaunt wie schön es ist…
Since my first unsuccessful attempt in March 2015 the so called Plattkogel icefall (or Plattkogelfall) in Sellrain near Kühtai was on my list of failed routes…